Thursday, July 9, 2009


It's been what? weeks? yes. hectic weeks.
too busy until forgot to update my blog. anyway, i m now in my 4th year already..: )
haha mcm x pcaya ja ni suda 4th yr..currently in my last week of ENT week i will
start my opthalmology posting. hopefully it would be as nice as the anaesthesia posting which i
have done earlier. ENT? no comment.


  1. hehe.. i wanna b da first 1 wrote something in ur blog... bla kita mau pigi makan sama2 bah? hehe.. btw ENT here i come.. mati la aq...

  2. yahoo!!...ko juga la orang yg 1st comment d blog sy ni..bah jom la p makan d alamesra..
